Friday 11 July 2014

Day 4

Our day began in the very early hours of the morning to the shrill sounds of the 3:15am alarms or, more probably, miss fosters firm knock following failure to awaken. 

We dragged our bags lethargically down the fire exit as it proved the more fool proof option in comparison to the not-fully-functioning lift. We were met by a sea of tired faces and less than becoming combinations of pyjamas and flip flops crowding the lobby floors. There were cheese sandwiches in tupperware's supplied by the wonderful cascadia as a breakfast option for the more courageous amongst us. 

The clock struck 3:30 and we waved a sleepy goodbye to the ominous gates of cascadia and passed our neighbours, the infamous St Anns psychiatric ward. We arrived at the ferry port and eventually made it up to the air conditioned departure lounge only to be greeted by the magnificent ferry-mart which provided us with both a nutritious and delicious breakfast of anything from ring pops to Pringles.

At 6:30 we boarded the ferry with priority status meaning we got the creme de la creme of seating choices. However no one was prepared for what was to be in store, the ferry journey was very choppy to say the least and the bathrooms were a landscape of green faces and sick people dotted around. The rockiness of the boat even got to Miss snooks, much to mrs fosters amusement who even managed to take a picture for memories sake.

With the breeze in our hair we rode through Tobago in our new coach until we arrived at a yellow vision, more commonly known as the Tropikist hotel. Quickly and efficiently we were assigned rooms and shuffled swiftly back to the lobby to embark on our upcoming beach lunch. However Tropikist had confused us with a school of young adolescent males, also playing sport in Tobago and it came to light that we were infact in the wrong rooms.

Luckily the problem solving attitude of our teachers prevailed and we made it to our idyllic beach lunch just in the knick of time. We arrived at the Blue Haven hotel to be met by  a beautiful array of food which we ate far too quickly before relaxing on the warm sand of the beach below. The afternoon was spent waltzing back and forth from the bar to the beach sipping virgin piña coladas.

Excitement was omnipresent as we were told that we had 100$ to spend at Pennysavers. Baskets and trollies were filled with everything from macaroni and cheese to whatever small selection of fruit was on offer. Our goodies were scanned and bagged and we walked contentedly back to the bus.

We arrived back at our old friend Tropikist hotel and lounged by the tranquil pool for what seemed like an eternity. Somewhere in this time pizza appeared, as if by magic and then disappeared just as fast. Our teachers stood their ground and eventually managed to secure us rooms for the night on the more desirable side of the hotel. We lugged our bags to our designated rooms to be met by a beautiful sea view and the sun set on our first eventful day in Tobago. 
- Abby Adler

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